Thank you <3

Thank you to all the generations who came before us, and those who are no longer youth. This report captures a moment in time, but is the continuation of the work of folks who came before us. Thank you for pushing for change, for creating pathways, and for advocating for a different future. Thank you for guiding us and supporting us. And thank you for teaching us how to care for the generations who have yet to come.

This report was truly a collaborative effort. With the time, dedication, and support of Youth Ambassadors and YouthLine Staff, community members, the research team, artists, designers, and so many more, this report and this research became a reality. Thank you for all of your work <3

A special thank you to 2SLGBTQ+ youth who participated in the 2019 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Needs Assessment. Almost 1,200 2SLGBTQ+ youth across Ontario have shared their experiences and voices in our Needs Assessments and made this report what it is today. Thank you for trusting us with your experiences, thoughts, and demands. Thank you for sharing your dreams, goals, and futures. We hope this report will make you proud, and that you will continue to make demands for services, leaders and politicians to #DoBetter.

PYAP 2019/2020

2019 YA's Pic .JPG

In 2019, LGBT YouthLine’s Provincial Youth Ambassador Project (PYAP) brought together 18 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Ambassadors from across Ontario to lead an assessment on the experiences and needs of 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Ontario.

Callum Batten (they/them)

Callum - Bio Pic .jpg

Non-Binary, Queer, Femme  
White Cornish Settler  
Owen Sound, Ontario 


Gabe Ellepola (He/Him)  

Gabe - Bio Pic .jpeg

Gabe is a queer biracial youth from Windsor, Ontario. He joined PYAP to better understand the disparity in support and inclusive networks for 2SLGBTQ+ youth. Gabe looks to reimagine inclusive spaces and communities in his efforts now based in Ottawa, Ontario.  


Katrina Moffit-Pleasance (They/Them)

Katrina - Bio Pic.jpg

North Bay, Ontario

Leon Tsai

Leon - Bio Pic .jpg

Leon is a Taiwanese transgender-femme, settler-immigrant, and a student/artists/poet/storyteller (re/un)learning in Tkaronto. As a blooming flower giving birth to herself, she asks the world to join her in this story: a soul of feelings planning, organizing and preparing for the softest revolution yet.  


Raul Morales-Morales (He/Him)

Rico - Bio Pic .jpg

Two Spirit  
Dryden, Ontario


Shivanie Mahabir (She/Her)   

Shivanie - Bio Pic.png

Shivanie is a queer Indo-Caribbean youth from Brampton. Growing up in the suburbs, she experienced the struggles of locating spaces and resources designed for 2SLGBTQ+ folks. She joined PYAP hoping to foster a sense of 2SLGBTQ+ youth in the Peel region. She currently works at LGBT YouthLine as the Operations Coordinator.

Damien Mousa (He/They)


Queer, Trans, Non-Binary, Arab  
Waterloo, Ontario


Said (Sahira) Jiddawy (They/Them)  


Transfeminine Nonbinary  
Peterborough, Ontario 


For various reasons, some Youth Ambassadors do not want to be named publicly, but we would still like to acknowledge the leadership and support of the other 10 Youth Ambassadors coming from: Brantford, Kenora, Markham, Mississauga, Sioux Lookout, Sudbury, Thunder Bay and Waterloo.

 Research Consultant

A huge shoutout to Anu Radha Verma, the lead research consultant on this project. Anu has been with us since the very beginning of this research project in 2019, supporting YouthLine staff and Youth Ambassadors in the original 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Needs Assessment. She has been an integral part of the team, pouring so much time and care every step of the way. 


Design & Illustration

Thank you to our talented design and illustration teams who created the beautiful artwork and graphics for the report!

Graphic design and website by Anchor Points Design -

Recommendations illustrations by Harmeet Rehal - @harmeetrehal 

Report illustrations by Melisse Watson @coyotewatson, featuring work by: 

  • Cassandra Thompson - @seedandcerasee (Trans+ Youth Snapshot) 

  • Harmeet Rehal - @harmeetrehal (Under 18 Youth Snapshot) 

  • Keisha Erwin Roberts - @wapahkesis (Indigenous Youth Snapshot) 

  • Maisha Marshall-Ende - @uncle_guiseppe (Racialized Youth Snapshot) 

  • Whitney Heroux (Northern Youth Snapshot).


LGBT YouthLine Staff

  • Berkha Gupta, Executive Director

  • Hayley Moody, Manager, Provincial Engagement and Partnerships 

  • Priya (Pree) Rehal, PYAP Administrative Coordinator

  • Larae Harbour, PYAP Northern Coordinator