Recommendation 5:

Proactive efforts to increase 2SLGBTQ+ youth representation in positions of power and influence.


The Problem:

2SLGBTQ+ youth do not see themselves represented in decision-makers.  

Not only did 2SLGBTQ+ express that decision-makers seemed to not care about them, they also shared that they did not see 2SLGBTQ+ community members amongst those who get to make decisions.

Representation on its own does not necessarily create systemic change - but it is an opportunity to engage 2SLGBTQ+ youth in decision-making. It is important that any efforts be free from tokenism.

Proactive efforts includes activities such as:

  • Mentorship

  • Access to training and education

  • Paid opportunities to participate in leadership development

In order for these efforts to be meaningful for 2SLGBTQ+ youth, organizations and institutions must first be committed to examine the ways they perpetuate barriers.


2SLGBTQ+ youth, especially racialized and Indigenous 2SLGBTQ+ youth, must be involved in the planning of any activities to increase 2SLGBTQ+ youth representation.

What 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Are Saying


“[We need] more LGBTQ2+ representation within local politics”

— Two Spirit youth in rural Southwestern Ontario


“[I want my government] to have more 2SLGBTQ representatives”

— Indigenous 2SLGBTQ+ youth under 18 on a reserve in Southwestern Ontario
(Non-binary / Gender Queer / Gender Non-conforming)


“[I want to see] more queer people in positions of leadership — mayor, MP/MPP, etc”

— 2SLGBTQ+ youth in Brantford
(Non-binary / Gender Queer / Gender Non-conforming)


“[We need] more explicit representation (make our presence known)”

— Indigenous trans 2SLGBTQ+ youth under 18 from London



Ideas to #DoBetter

Band Council creates a year-long paid Two Spirit and LGBTQ+ internship program for youth 15-29. The program provides youth with the opportunity to learn about how Council works, to travel to meet with other Councils, and to learn more about administration. The internship program is supported by a First Nation staff member as well as an Elder.

Local Volunteer organization develops a mentorship program to connect 2SLGBTQ+ youth with 2SLGBTQ+ adults who have a career in an area of interest to the youth. The mentorship program is a year long, and provides funding for participants.

Grassroots 2SLGBTQ+ youth initiative nominates youth for a scholarship (established by the local college) to pay for formal or informal education opportunities. Formal education includes a course at the college, while informal education includes paying a mentor for their time.

Non-profit organization develops a 2SLGBTQ+ youth leadership program. The program brings together 2SLGBTQ+ youth interested in policy, organizational management, evaluation, government relations, etc. Over the course of a summer, 2SLGBTQ+ youth are paid to learn about (and engage in) activities such as policy review.

Advocacy group develops a training institute for 2SLGBTQ+ youth interested in running for office in the upcoming municipal elections. The advocacy group pushes for incumbents who have been in power for more than 15 years to consider retiring, to create space for youth on Council.


